On ARM, the writes (1) and (2) can get reordered, so the write toreadyis visible before the write tovalue. On Thread 2, this can cause the read tovalue(4) to happen before the written value123is visible. In other words, due to the re-ordering, Thread 2 will see an uninitialized...
The first downside isissuesas received through the GitHub issues tab. Note that I didn't saybug reports, which should be welcomed. Many issues are feature requests. Somebody liked your work enough to request an addition to it or an expansion of the scope of your project. ...
Not all changes can be automated with code snippets. Those changes need good, old-fashioned, manual editing. For example, you can't just append a line to an INI type file. Use your favorite Linux text editor.(Table of Contents)ContributingI wanted to put this guide on GitHub to make it...
I am trying to make a MySql-dependent app in Qt. After some time I came to know that my shared-build is not having MySql driver(by default). Can Anybody say how to get|compile it (both in shared and static). Note: I am using Qt-4.7.2 in Windows platform EDIT:Thanks to "vrince...
A few days ago, we announced the launch of the ITOpsTalk repository on GitHub. This repo will feature Infrastructure samples for anything related to Azure...
Do you want to keep these settings? Press ENTER before the timeout to accept the new configuration Changes will revert in 120 seconds ... Errors or typos? Topics missing? Hard to read?Let us knoworopen an issue on GitHub. 1 Like ...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/apple/swift 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail swift-lang / docs / HowToGuides / GettingStarted.md ...
button on the right side of the page. Click on it to reveal a small pop-up. Click on “Download ZIP” (highlighted below). If you’re a seasoned developer, you might choose to clone the project into your owngitrepository (what GitHub is named after), but if you knew how to do tha...
If you need to store the hash in a variable during a script, you can use last_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD); Or, if you only want the first 10 characters (like github.com does) last_commit=$(git rev-parse --short=10 HEAD); Share Improve this answer Follow edited Dec 10,...
If you do not like work with above command lines, you could find GitHub Desktop which can be found in the github offical web site. 7: Test everything! The most important thing is that you test everything properly to make sure the user will get a uniquely good experience and he will ke...