So the Biden administration was eager to end oil sanctions, plead with Iran to reenter the Iran Deal, remove the Houthis from terrorist designations, route billions of dollars to Tehran for hostages, junk the Abrams accords, and restore millions of dollars in please-be-nice bribe money to th...
energyUnitarygasEquationofstateNuclearmatterWe examine critically how tightly the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy E_(sym)(q) is constrained by the universal equation of state of the unitary Fermi gas EUG(q) considering currently known uncertainties of higher order parameters describing the...
PURPOSE: To improve buckling resistance of an augmenter liner by accelerating bypass air flow supplied to an augmenter as an after burner for cooling the augmenter, and leading the accelerated bypass air flow to an annular plenum by decelerating the bypass air flow. CONSTITUTION: A gas turbine...