Since the default seed is based on the current ticks, if both computers managed to start at exactly the same tick value (lol could you even time that if you wanted to???) then they would both generate the same sequence of numbers. I suppose the hash value of a GUID should in theory ...
But keep in mind that I was only able to get to this point because I had something that was of value: the rights to an interesting, true-life story. Also keep in mind that you don’t need to be a screenwriter to sell a true-life story. All you need is the idea. And since good...
Random r = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); r.Next(1000,10000); If you think one reply solves your problem, please mark it as An Answer, if you think someone's reply helps you, please mark it as a Proposed Answer Help by clicking: Click here to donate your rice to the...