Do not spend months searching for the right freelance writing agency to work for. Our blog will help you find the best online job.
Set yourself apart by becoming an expert on something you enjoy writing about and going after freelance gigs that will allow you to showcase your knowledge. This will put you one step above other writers while also ensuring your profits aren’t cut short by tacking on hours of research to e...
Freelance Writing Tips and Knowhow
As a writing coach, I get questions about how to become a freelance writer on a regular basis. My responses to such questions typically vary, because the “right” answer depends on several factors including your industry, experience level, and the type of writing that you want to get into....
Plus, charging a small fee for your ebook lets you make passive income that can be very handy to bridge any gaps between freelance writing gigs. For more info on the benefits of self-publishing your ebook, check out the blog and resources at Make a Living Writing and theFreelance Writer’...
Do you have a flair for words? Do you want to work in your pajamas? A freelance writing career can be very lucrative. I’ll show you how to get started. Freelance writing doesn’t have to be something you merely do on the side to bring in some extra money while spending forty or ...
An excellent way to subsidize your existing income or work full time for yourself is to try and get freelance writing jobs. If you’re the type of person who is proficient and passionate about writing, then you may appreciate the following starting tips on how to get online work from intern...
This has been a big debate for a long time between freelance copywriting novices and experts alike. The thing to remember is that your sales letter isn’t for you but for your prospect. For this reason your sales letter needs to be as long as you need it, in order to get the job do...
I had just finished a three-year tenure writing for that age group at my student paper, and I was twenty-one years old myself. It would have been quite a feat to get published in Modern Maturity, so I didn't even consider it. Selling this feature was quite straight-forward. I wrote...
different gigs. You do have to pick through quite a bit to find the better-paying opportunities – and some clients won’t list a pay rate at all. It’s worth checking the board at least once a day, as alotof freelance bloggers use this one, and the best gigs will get filled fast...