There are numerous ways to farm money in Red Dead Redemption 2. You will need to work hard to earn money, but there are ways of doing it better. After finishing the Prologue, you can earn money however you like in RDR2. The easiest way to earn money is looting people’s carriages, ...
Dead Eye is one of the most useful features in Red Dead Redemption 2, allowing players to slow down time while aiming and firing weapons. As you progress deeper in the RDR2 storyline, your Dead Eye level increases, unlocking more capabilities like multip
In the Chapter 2 mission “A Fisher of Men,” Arthur decides to takeJack Marston, John’s 4 year old son, on a fishing trip. While the fishing starts off peacefully, introducing the mechanic and showing a softer side of the game’s protagonist, it takes a turn when Agent Milton and A...
Micah’s Revolver– Hidden on Mount Hagen must have completed Epilogue 2. Head to the location in the map above to retrieve Micah’s Revolver. This is the gun that killed Morgan. Though this depends on the choices you made along the way. Related:Where to Get the Semi Auto Shotgun...
To obtain 100% completion, it’s estimated to take 187 hours to see all of what RDR2 has to offer. To finish just the main chapters should only take about 50 hours. List of Chapters in RDR2 Chapter 1: Colter Chapter one introduces the world of Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde ...
There is an easier and more reliable way to keep the GPU driver up-to-date! UsePC HelpSoftto automatize the complete process, from scanning to installing the latest driver updates! ⇒Get PC HelpSoft 3. Delete RDR2 settings Some gamers discovered that deleting settings prevents RDR2 error GFX...
Find Leopold Strauss For The Ledger In RDR2 To get the ledger, you must complete the first 5 missions in Chapter 2 and unlock theMoney Lending and Other Sinsmission. To start this mission, you need to get to Mr. Leopold Strauss. You can find him on the map marked by a yellow LS ic...
This is part 2 in a series dedicated to creating your first plugin! NPC Taxi The idea of our mod is to let us hop onto random NPC's horses and wagons and travel a bit differently. Whenever you target an NPC, either by holding down rightclick or by aiming
Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) VR settings Follow the steps given below to get the best VR experience while playing RDR2 in VR. 1. First, go to the Steam library and right-click Red Dead Redemption 2. Select Properties and disable Desktop Game Theater while Steam VR is active. ...
It's time to rope drop! We share our thoughts on how to rope drop in 2025! We cover each park and look at on and off property. Next rope drop trip will be The RunDisney Spring Time Surprise in April of 2025. April 3rd-6th. Doug plans to run the 10 mile event on...