When I’m on fire (or on a deadline) and don’t want to stop writing, I skip bathroom breaks until I’m done. Nothing makes you a faster writer like knowing you’re on the verge of having a potty accident. Being a 48-year-old woman, I have to pee every 30 minutes, so you c...
In fact, it's even possible to learn how to write faster and complete your book in less time – six weeks, even! That's my goal for my upcoming blog series, to teach you what I've learned about writing faster, and not only that, but show you why improving your writing speed will ...
No matter how quickly you can type (and how slowly you tend to speak), youmost likelytalk faster than you type. Use this to your advantage by using voice-to-text software to speed up your writing. It can be a powerful tool at your disposal, but remember to edit your work carefully a...
Research is crucial when writing a cover letter. You must learn about the prospective employer so you can speak to how you're a possible match. Applicants who make an effort to find out more about a company and show this in their cover letter are preferred because they show commitment. Whi...
The Writing Process Learn how to get your ideas on paper faster By streamlining the 8 steps in the writing process, you can turn messy thoughts into persuasive writing and you canwrite faster. Content of this page Click the links below to go to a specific section:...
#6: Be Accountable to Someone Else One great way to get your writing done faster is to add in an element of accountability. If someone else knows about your writing plans – you’re more likely to stick to them! You could partner up with a friend and swap your weekly word counts, you...
You might think you’re simply not destined to be a blogger. But the great news is that youcanget faster at writing—and I know this is true, because I’ve done it (many times) myself. Important:This isn’t about sacrificing quality. Some bloggers worry that being “fast” isn’t ...
8 Ways to Write Faster 1. Properly Position Your Book in the Market Want a guaranteed way to get stuck? Start writing without aclear ideaof what your book is about. It’s like trying to follow a recipe without even knowing whether you have the ingredients in the cupboard. It’s not g...
Want to make the writing process even faster? Try this CV profile template: Personal Profile Template [Personality trait] + [job title] + [years of experience]. Keen/Eager to use [two skills] to [specific goal] at [company name]. At [previous company], helped/managed to [past achievemen...
Pro Tip:Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available.If you set tighter deadlines, you’ll likely get more done in less time. Step 5: Choose a writing method (outline or freewriting) Should you outline your book or just start writing?