Instead, I can vividly recall the farmer who dies during the struggle to get one more foot of land even though he has more than enough already. Personal stories give meaning to your work, and you don’t need to travel to a Russian prairie to find examples. There is material in your ...
The most common robotic sense is the sense of movement — the robot's ability to monitor its own motion. One way to do this is to use a laser on the bottom of the robot to illuminate the floor while a camera measures the distance and speed traveled. This is the same basic system ...
The most common robotic sense is the sense of movement — the robot's ability to monitor its own motion. One way to do this is to use a laser on the bottom of the robot to illuminate the floor while a camera measures the distance and speed traveled. This is the same basic system ...
will enjoy their visit to North Dakota. Those who are looking for the fast pace of a big city or those who don't like cooler weather may find the state less to their liking. Potpourri Bizarre roadside sculptures in North Dakota include a four-story tin farmer's family, a giant ...
You're used to a wide variety of choices for almost all what you buy. You measure things in meters, grams, kilograms and liters, but while following recipes you measure things in fingers, cups, glasses, handfuls and trickles. You're probably not a farmer. Comics come in two varieti...
Your thoughts and opinions are incredibly important to those who want to direct your behaviour. So it should be no surprise that propagandists float trial balloons in order to gauge public reaction to new proposals before going ahead with their plans. Join James on today’s #PropagandaWatch as ...
Man is to accept the help which tradition can give but to be well aware of its limitations in a changing world. Change, or the ability to (31) oneself to a changing environment is essential (32) evolution. The farmer whose land is required for housing or industry must adapt himself: ...
I said to one old farmer ‘you have an Irish accent’ and he said ‘yes, outside of Douglas everyone thinks I’m a Newfie!’ As I told the crowd, you cannot throw a stone in Canada without hitting something Irish! Ever since I have been exploring Canada’s Irish heritage. There is...
You are used to a wide, but not ridiculous, variety of choices for almost anything you buy. You measure things in metres, kilograms, and litres. There is also a particular Swedish mile of 10 kilometres that others do not use. You are probably not a farmer but not so long ago every...
June was the time to harvest the ripening strawberries hence the name Strawberry Moon, known to every Algonquin tribe. According to the Farmer's Almanac, it was also known as the Berries Ripen Moon (Haida), Birth Moon (Tlingit), Green Corn Moon (Cherokee) and the Hatching Moon (Cree) ...