99 How to get the Facebook user id using the access token 1149 How do I use PHP to get the current year? 1 Facebook Leadgen webhook does not include ad_id nor adgroup_id 1 Leadgen Webhook: A user access token is required to request this resource 763 What's...
<?php $url= "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?type=client_cred& client_id=my_client_id&client_secret=my_client secret"; $access_token = file_get_contents($url); $access_token = substr($access_token,strpos($access_token,"=")+1); print access_token; } ?> if i ope...
Facebook requires a Page Access Token if you want to use the data from your Facebook page, customize it and embed it on your website through SociableKIT. For example, in SociableKIT Facebook Page Events Solution, a page access token is required if you want your feed to update every hour...
I'm trying to access scores through the Facebook API to get a list of scores of my friends. When I try to access , I get the following error even with my app access token:/[facebook id]/scores FacebookApiException [ 0 ]: A user access token is required to request this resource. ...
Now, you need to give this token a name. My suggestion is that if you are generating this token to access the Hugging Face service from Colab notebook, give it the name “Colab Notebook”; if you are accessing the service from your local device, give it a name as “Local Device” ...
I am creating an app with facebook login, and I am now able to successfully log in the user to facebook via the facebook api! However, I am also trying to gather some information on the user, namely the number of existing friends that they have. Note that I am NOT looking for the...
public virtual string State { get; }}You can either pass this string to the constructor or set its AccessToken property after it has been created; very simple!The FacebookClient provides methods to send request corresponding to the GET (GetTaskAsync), POST (PostTaskAsync) or D...
Let’s keep going by using this “code” value to get an access token for the shop. We will do so by running our first API call. Step 4: Exchange access code for the shop token By now we have everything that we need to generate the app token: your app API key, your app secret...
the group should have a name like DL_Data_FileSrv1_read. Give the domain local group the desired permission and add the global groups for the users that should get that permission. It can be time consuming to set up, but once it’s done you can easily control access to resources just...
Can access server by FQDN but not by ip or name Can anybody tell me what calluxxprovider.vbs does? Can being part of a domain slow down your computer? Can get IP but can't ping DHCP server Can I create multiple domains on one server??? Can I delete these files ? Can i determi...