get the version of the AT command AT+APIVER R: get the version of the RUI API AT+HWMODEL R: get the string of the hardware model AT+HWID R: get the string of the hardware id AT+ALIAS RW: add an alias name to the device AT+SYSV R: get the System Voltage AT+SLEEP W: enter ...
Can get IP but can't ping DHCP server Can I create multiple domains on one server??? Can I delete these files ? Can i determine when a service was changed? can i point a domain user account to the old one? can I remove .hdmp files in C:\WINDOWS\PCHEALTH\ERRORREP\UserDumps ? it...
Hi Sergio I am using Java to get the public key, whereas I took the x5c value which is matching the kid value "ZyGh1GbBL8xd1kOxRYchc1VPSQQ" String publicKeyPem ="MIIGGDCCBACgAwIBAgITbQDgJqLi3fOkWY1IZwACAOAmojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAVMRMwEQYDVQQDEwpNU0lUIENBIFoyMB4XDTIxMDYxMTExMzY0M...
However, if I run the command under (domain) Administrator context, I will get different results - because many of the GPOs apply to ordinary users only. So it's the proverbial Catch-22... How can I see GPRESULT for an ordinary user? --Aargh! All replies (1) Friday, June 3, 2011...
If you are hosting your web server and database backend on the same machine, it may be a good idea to separate these two functions so that each can operate on its own hardware and share the load of responding to your visitors’ requests.In this guide, you will...
If you would like to get a thorough understanding of TLS and SSL, I recommend the bookBulletproof SSL and TLS by Ivan Ristic. Focus on the certificate the server has transmitted to the client. It contains the server's public key, which the client uses to encrypt data before sending it to...
It does not have to be this way. With the proper techniques, we as network administrators can achieve two crucial objectives: to make it much more difficult to gain a foothold in the first place and to make it much more difficult to use that foothold to get anywhere else on the network...
How to get a computer SID using a doss command How to get AD Site name from IP address or subnet. How to get all active computer list in domain with some attributes? How to get custom Attributes to show up in Users&Computers Attribute Editor How to get Get-AdUser to work with diff...