In a letter to his mother, he expressed amazement at how, in the desegregated society, he could eat in the best restaurants in Hartford. King later described his experience in the North as formative: "I could ride wherever I pleased on the train from New York to Washington and then had...
Smitten by the EV experience, I quickly drove back home and took my wife to test drive the Citroen eC3. Again, I was greeted by an empty showroom, and I had to call the number pasted on the showroom glass to get someone to come in. It was as if the company already packed up and...
患者,男,60岁。“双下肢乏力5个月余”就诊。既往体健。5个月前自觉双下肢乏力,行走缓慢,同时发现静止时出现右手出现“搓丸样”动作,紧张时明显,随意运动时减轻,睡眠时消失。查体:双下肢肌力正常,肌张力高,呈“齿轮样”,病理征未引出。该患者应该考虑完善何种检查明确诊断 ...
2.5 YOE, 6.2 LPA Mainframe, recently got an offer from TCS for Mainframe Developer position with 7.5Lpa. My project Director called me and willing to match the salary here in Cognizant. He said i will be eligible for yearly hike as well.Please suggest if truly I will be eligible for year...
companies like TCS, WIPRO, Infosys, etc., and make sure you negotiate about the H1B Visa sponsorship when you take the offer. Some say they can do it in one year or two years. Some may say they cannot. You need to validate and get some commitment from the manager on this before you...
JavaScript windows getComputedStyle() Method Difference between indexof and search in JavaScript How to capitalize the first letter of string in JavaScript How to sort characters in a string in JavaScript How to pick random elements from an Array How to Remove an Event Handler Using JavaScript Met...
If possible, get your work evaluated by experienced software testing professionals. b) By adding dummy projects learned from Software Testing courses:If you have joined any software testing course to learn manual testing and automation tools then you can add this dummy project experience in your res...
From massive rock arches to oddly shaped pillars to sheer river gorges, it's a land that has been bent by weather and time into strange, fantastic shapes. Accordingly, many visitors to Utah will do anything—hike, bicycle, paddle, rock climb, ski or snowboard—to experience the natural ...
If possible, get your work evaluated by experienced software testing professionals. b) By adding dummy projects learned from Software Testing courses:If you have joined any software testing course to learn manual testing and automation tools then you can add this dummy project experience in your res...