Elden Ring has 3 different endings you can unlock. This guide explains how to get all Elden Ring Endings. Seeing every ending will reward you different trophies and achievements, so if you want to platinum the game you will have to get all of them. The fastest way to achieve the platinum...
Want to know about Elden Ring endings and how to do them? There are quite a few different ways to end your time in the Lands Between, so here's each outcome.
Margit's Shackle helps in Margit and Margott boss fights. In this Elden Ring guide, I go over how you can get Margit's Shackle.
In this Elden Ring guide, I go over how you can complete Roderika's questline. Here is what you need to know.
It weighs 4 and can be sold for 100 Runes to any merchant in the game. Broadsword Best Build in Elden Ring For this build, we will be using a fully upgraded Broadsword with Heavy affinity. As this is a level 170 build, distribute your points across the following stats. Vigor: 60 Stren...
Blasphemous Claw in Elden Ring is used to deflect the attacks of Malekith, the Black Blade. This unique item can be obtained by killing the..
Mohgwyn Palace is a secret area in Elden Ring, found very late into the game. This guide shows how to get to Mohgwyn Palace step by step. 1. Get to West Mountaintops First you will have to reach another secret area called Mountaintops of the Giants: West. You can simply go there fro...
Just a few skill points in Faith open up a host of useful spells to aid you in your adventures. Incantations are a type of Magic in Elden Ring. Incantation spells are typically dependent on the Faith stat and have a variety of effects such as healing, curing status effects, dealing damage...
Weapons and shields that can Parry in Elden Ring The following weapon and shield categories are compatible with the Parry Ash of War: Small Shields Medium Shields Daggers Thrusting Swords Curved Swords Fists Claws If you’re looking to get even stronger inElden Ring, check out where to findall...
these legendary spells. Whether you prefer Incantations or Sorceries, these spells are surprisingly killer even against late-game bosses. If you’re running a Faith / Arcane build and want more all-powerful tools to wreck everything in your path, here’s how to get t...