Explore how estrogen and testosterone impact fertility, offering insights into their roles and holistic approaches to the struggle to get pregnant.
Ok, you’ve had your baby. All is well until your partner leans over and asks you when will you be able to have sex again. Now before you tell him what for, he’s got a good question. Just when is it safe to begin to have sexual intercourse again? A Time to Heal First of all...
Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) isthinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls that may occur when your body has less estrogen. Vaginal atrophy occurs most often after menopause. For many women, vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful but also leads to distressing urinary ...
it’s a highly individual matter. Some women, if they feel perfectly fine after childbirth, resume sexual intercourse sooner than the prescribed six weeks’ time. To make sure that the resumption of sexual activities won’t do any harm, a woman...
There are also a few medications that can help men to lower estrogen levels quickly. These include: Arimidex (anastrozole) – This is a medication that is specifically prescribed to men to minimize the natural increase in estrogen that can occur with TRT. ...
For the role, he needed to get much bigger than he already was, and that involved eventually adding40 pounds to his frame. That’s almost twice whatThorabove gained for his movie role. So what did mark wahlberg look like before?
Anti-inflammatory steroid mouth rinses may be prescribed to help reduce inflammation of the sores. Tetracycline antibiotic rinses may be prescribed and have been shown to relieve the pain and promote the healing of canker sores. Do not use tetracycline if you are pregnant, people allergic to tetra...
Before theIVF treatmentbegins, your doctor may prescribe birth control pills, or estrogen may be prescribed. This is used to prevent ovarian cyst formation and regulate the time of the menstrual cycle. Ovarian Stimulation Injectable hormone drugs are used during your IVF process to promote the comp...
During pregnancy, the hormones may cause you to be more vulnerable to gum disease, sometimes leading to pregnancy gingivitis and cavities. The higher level of progesterone and estrogen can cause the gums to be more sensitive to bacteria, resulting in tender or bleeding gums. It is best to ensu...
Estrogen containing oral contraceptives are generally considered for treatment of acne in females with perimenstrual flare-ups or adult-onset acne. Pregnancy should be avoided while using these hormonal therapies, especially with cyproterone owing to its potentially harmful effects on the fetus. Light &...