The interpretation of reported violation of CHSH is not unambiguous because in each SPCE, there are black counts, laser intensity drifts, photon registration time delays, etc. Besides, it is important to check carefully that trials are independent and identically distributed. We demonstrated with Hans...
2.2.1. Early Spread Stage: Incentives to Users When the platform is ready to launch, it is necessary to achieve a minimum number of participants [19]. In order to reach the minimum number of users, platform providers need to continuously attract participants. In particular, for multi-sided ...
Finally, PLS is also more appropriate when dealing with new or significantly changing phenomena [100], such as quality in thalassotherapy centres; when the model is very complex, i.e., when the number of indicators and latent variables is very high [96]; or when the variables do not ...
Although the number of treated patients is important, it is not discriminative enough to determine the entire spectrum of surgical exposures, as sarcoma surgery includes a wide spectrum both anatomically and biologically. The French sarcoma group nicely showed that although the absolute number of ...