add lines of text to the TOP of a existing txt file in powershell Add Members to "Delivery Management" of the Distribution Group in Office 365. Add multiple ip's to a windows firewall rule Add Multiple Lines in Powershell Add new Computer Name to a Domain without Rebooting? Possible? Ad...
token-stream "1.0.0" pug-runtime@^3.0.0, pug-runtime@^3.0.1: version "3.0.1" resolved "" integrity sha512-L50zbvrQ35TkpHwv0G6aLSuueDRwc/97XdY8kL3tOT0FmhgG7UypU3Vz...
Token Signing Public Key Top of Browser Cut Off TPM 2.0 "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" in Device Manager TPM returned an unexpected error(exception from hresult: 0x8029010c) trace dsc validation error Trigger Work or School account sync form CMD or PowerShell Troubleshooting the Attrib...
I can't figure out how to do that. Oddly enough, Bridge adds in 20120904_001 to the original number (after the jpg) without me typing anything. It just automatically shows that in the preview. I get DSC_4966.jpg20120904_001. How and why is it doing this? Thanks Votes Upvo...
Hey community, is there a smart way to convert address data devided by comma into a new cell with text wrap? I have following text: Examplestreet 1, 12345 City and I would like to get it into... forthaus =SUBSTITUTE(C6,", ",CHAR(10)) ...
model– There are several models to pick from, some being less expensive per token than others. You can read more about them and their strengths and weaknesses here: prompt– This is the important bit, and where your creativity is required to ...
In version 2.7 of the Azure DSC Extension, we added support to leave your Virtual Machine on the latest supported version of WMF 4.0. This blog will show you how to use this feature in Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. For this, I will use the Azure Resource Manger T...
Today, we released version 2.8 of the Azure DSC Extension, we added support to map downloads of the extension dependencies to your own location. This could be useful, if you want to configure the network, of a VM not to allow direct access to the Internet and ...
5. Add library instance DxeDeferImageLoadLib to LibraryClasses section of module SecurityStubDxe in the platform DSC file. The library instance is invoked during loading an image into memory. The image loading could be deferred by the predefined policy in a PCD before user authentication, or be...
必要的 Azure Stack Hub Marketplace 項目: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 或 Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (建議使用最新組建)。 PowerShell DSC 擴充功能。 自訂指令碼擴充功能。 現有的虛擬或實體機器。 在理想情況下,此機器會有兩張網路介面卡。 這也可以是另一個 iSCSI 目標,例如執行個體的 SAN。考量...