Although acne might not sound like something serious that needs immediate attention, it actually is. A dog might look silly with pimples on its face and it can remind you of yourself during puberty, but try not to get carried away when it comes to its health. This is an affection that d...
which can make identifying the underlying issue a bit challenging and even expensive if you need to take them to the vet to find out what’s going on. However, if your dog is licking their paws more often than as part of their self-grooming regimen, it’s time to get your veterinary ...
Frankly, getting a dog tostop lickingis ideal, but it's tricky since most owners can't supervise their pet all day. To limit your dog's access to inflamed areas, like lick sores, you might consider placing an old sock over the paw or leg or dressing your pup in a shirt that covers...
UTIs can be a common ailment, but they are often treatable with antibiotics and supplements. Cystitis is an inflammation that occurs in the bladder and most cases of UTI are caused by bacteria called Escherichia Coli. In order for it to enter your dog’s body, there must also be some sort...
These measures aren’t good for several reasons. Your dog has a microbiome on his skin as well as in his gut, where 90% of his immune system is found. Applying antibacterial products and taking antibiotics will destroy the good bacteria your dog needs to balance and fight the pathogenic bac...
Taking antibiotics and other drugs In case your dog is extremely feverish, lethargic, bloated, and you can see a large amount of blood in his stool, ask a vet for help as soon as possible. If your dog is experiencing simple diarrhea, here are some of the simplest ways you can take to...
Technically no, vaseline is not toxic to your dog. It is also usually not the best choice as your dog can lick it off their skin or paws. If your pup ingests enough they might get an upset stomach, which can lead to vomiting or diarrhea if they ingest enough. ...
dog runs a fever Your vet may lance the boil with a fine needle and prescribe a course of antibiotics. You will likely be instructed to clean the area with an anti-bacterial/anti-fungal shampoo, like chlorhexidine with miconazole. Additional treatment may be needed to address the underlying ca...
Never second guess yourself if a dog is sick and you have any sort of suspicion that pancreatitis is rearing its ugly head. Get your dog to the vet. Hours do matter and pancreatitis can rapidly get worse. I know because I’ve seen it first hand!
If you see a dog food that lists upcycled ingredients, that’s a positive sign it’s a sustainable recipe. “There are lots of ways to source sustainable ingredients,” says Megan. “One way to do this is to get creative when making recipes and use every part of an ingredient. Take ...