通过admin.py 在Django后台注册自己的路由(对应自己的视图) 实现代码 要在一个 app 里面的 admin.py 添加如下代码(实际上就一个简化的 model) 代码语言:javascript 复制 # django2\apps\business\admin.py from django.contribimportadmin from django.contrib.adminimportAdminSite from django.httpimportHttpResponse...
classSomeModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):defadmin_action(self,request,queryset): To add csv export toHeroAdminyou can do something like this: actions=["export_as_csv"]defexport_as_csv(self,request,queryset):passexport_as_csv.short_description="Export Selected" This adds an action called export ...
django-admin commands¶ Applications can register their own actions with manage.py. For example, you might want to add a manage.py action for a Django app that you’re distributing. In this document, we will be building a custom closepoll command for the polls application from the tutorial...
然而在默认情况下你不需要修改PASSWORD_HASHERS,Django默认添加django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher. 9.2 用户模型 Django认证系统最重要的部分就是User对象,它位于django.contrib.auth.models.User.一个User对象代表了和Django应用交互的用户.Django documentation on User objects有详尽的描述. User模型主要有...
Django’s built-in SQL-oriented ORM becomes useless with MongoDB. You will no longer be able to manage the content through the Django admin interface. Many other Django features designed for working with databases will be out of reach. By using MongoDB, you’ll definitely step off “the Dj...
参见 Django 聚合社区,我们将全球 Django 社区的内容聚合至此。聚合社区中的很多作者编写了本快速指南文档。异步支持 使用REMOTE_USER 进行身份验证 Additional InformationSupport Django! Paul Stenius donated to the Django Software Foundation to support Django development. Donate today! Contents 操作指南 Browse ...
In this tutorial, we will connect to and enable the Django admin site so that you can manage your blog website. The Django admin site comes pre-built with a …
SHOULD BE PRESENT AND UNCOMMENTED'django.contrib.sessions','django.contrib.sites','django.contrib.messages','django.contrib.staticfiles',# Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:'django.contrib.admin',# Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation:# 'django.contrib.admindocs','...
Theget_location.short_descriptionis just to display it prettier in the table header. Otherwise Django Admin would display it as “Get Location” (which is the name of the method). A very important detail: note thelist_select_related. We are adding theprofilerelationship there, so to avoid ...
8. Connect the Django Admin interface 1. Log in to the server via SSH First, you need to log in to yourservervia SSH as root user: ssh root@IP_ADDRESS -p PORT_NUMBER make sure that you replace “IP_ADDRESS” and “PORT_NUMBER” with your actual server IP address and the SSH port...