How to Get the Autopay Discount Getting an autopay discount on your car insurance should be simple. Ask your car insurance agent if your company offers autopay discounts. If yes, tell them you would like to set up autopay. They can walk you through the process if you need assistance setting...
Car insurance is a necessity, but paying higher premiums isn’t always a requirement. Discount auto insurance doesn’t mean you’re getting less than if you’d pay full price. There are ways to save money by knowing how to leverage discounts on car insurance, and this article will help yo...
Auto insurance is one of those ‘necessary-evil’ expenditures that I’m always trying to get a lower price on. In an hour’s worth of time, you can get quotes from a number of auto insurance companies to see which may offer you the lowest auto insurance quote. Shopping around for auto...
Driving a vehicle inMy Pro BlogLouisiana without coverage is a sure-hearth recipe for catastrophe. Louisiana is one of the strictest states when it comes to uninsured motorists. That’s why so many drivers in Louisiana seek to get reasonably-priced vehicle insurance online. Buying your automobile...
HOW TO GET A DISCOUNT ON CAR INSURANCE 2. Consider your deductible Opting for a higher deductible can be a simple way to significantly lower your monthly auto payments. In fact, increasing your deductible from $500 to $1,000 can lower your insurance premium by 10%. Drivers can also drop ...
When you go out to buy car insurance, you will be provided with a few options. You can either pay the full premium in total upfront or pay for your insurance premium in monthly installments instead. While if you pay the full amount upfront you may be able to avail a discount but not...
So if you’d be able to afford repairs on your older car after a bad crash, it may be worth dropping these coverage types to save on your auto insurance premium. While comprehensive and collision coverage aren’t required to drive legally, you may still be required to have them if you ...
Multipolicy discount. This is one of the most common discounts. If you buy multiple insurance policies, such as home and auto insurance, from the same company, you could receive a discount for bundling these policies. Some home and auto insurance bundles can save you up to 25% off premiums...
Student discounts:College students often pay high insurance rates, but good grades and heading to school without a car couldreduce the cost of coverage. Payment discounts:Paying your premium in full or even setting up auto-pay could qualify you for a small discount on your rate. ...
Student discounts: College students often pay high insurance rates, but good grades and heading to school without a car could reduce the cost of coverage. Payment discounts: Paying your premium in full or even setting up auto-pay could qualify you for a small discount on your rate. Affi...