dyslexia is not listed in the Blue Book. Although dyslexia can make some aspects of daily life challenging, the Social Security Administration generally does not find the impairments severe enough to qualify for disability benefits. Under Social Security...
Written by Disability Representative and former Examiner, Tim Moore, SSDRC explains how to get disability benefits, as quickly as possible.
A private disability lawyer typically wants a 10% cut of all benefits paid out by SSDI.I was 33 at the time and my SSDI benefits (if approved) would pay until age 67. That meant the lawyer could be collecting a considerable amount of my money- well north of $100K in my situation. N...
How Much In Social Security Disability Benefits Can You Get? | Disability SecretsLaurence, Beth
There are a lot of hoops people have to go through in order to receive VA benefits, and full disability benefits can be difficult to attain.
How to Get Short-Term Disability Approved While Pregnant March 2, 2022 How do you get short-term disability approved while pregnant so you can enjoy maternity leave benefits? Is my pregnancy a pre-existing condition? These are essential questions for women facing unpaid time off from work. You...
How to Calculate a Child's Social Security Disability Benefits Supplemental Security Income is a federal benefits program that pays monthly amounts to children (as well as some eligible adults) with qualifying disabilities. At the start of each calendar year, the Social Security Administration determi...
Who Can Get Disability Benefits? People who can’t work due to a physical or mental disability that's expected to last for a year or more or result in death may be eligible forSocial Security disability benefits (SSDI). You generally have to meet certain earnings tests to qualify.20Family...
How to Get Disability Income Insurance You aren't required to have DI insurance unlike other forms of coverage, such ashomeowners insurance.2But most employers provide their employees with some type of disability insurance as part of their annual benefits packages. They may also give the option ...