Whenever somebody applies for a loan or a credit card, one of the first things that the lender does is to check CIBIL score. The CIBIL score and CIBIL report are one of the main determinants to decided if the application is further processed or declined. Therefore it is important for every...
1. How can I check my name in the CIBIL™ defaulters' list? To check if your credit report reflects a payment default, you must go to the official CIBIL™ website and download the report. For a detailed CIBIL™ report, you have to pay the fees as stated on the website. ...
In this post, we will go through a detailed plan for how you can work to rebuild your credit scores after your scores went sour. Step number 1: Assess the situation The first step would be for you to get a copy of your credit reports and assess the situation. What you will be lookin...
How to delete fk, amazon pay later? sanketpero 2022-07-14 It's better to wait till we see if it's really happening. They might not report every transaction to cibil. I haven't seen any such proof yet. Better to wait without doing any transactions. 2 ankittyagi92446 2022-07-...
A detailed article about the patent definition, how to apply for a patent in India, what can be a patent, how to patent a thought and what is the patent right.
Also Read:Know All About your CIBIL Score and Report Refrain from applying for too many credit cards in a short span of time There are some individuals who make several applications for more than one credit card at short intervals. This not only raises concerns with the lending authorities but...