Maintaining your trademark protection How to get a trademark FAQ Start your online business today. For free.Start free trial When you start a business or develop a product, it’s important to take steps to both differentiate your brand from others in the market and protect your intellectual pro...
If you own a smallonline businesswhich you operate in one state and don’t plan on expanding into new markets, you don’t need to register the trademark of your name. You already have the right to use it in your market. On the other hand, if you plan to expand your business, explor...
Learn about the trademark registration process, types and benefits of trademarks, and how trademarks help protect your brand and intellectual property rights.
While designing a logo online, there are common mistakes to avoid. Overcomplicating the design can make the logo confusing and challenging to understand. Ignoring scalability may result in a logo that loses its impact when resized. Using stock images can lead to generic designs that need more or...
Then you can go for daring abstract designs or trendy logo layouts. If you are trying to figure out how to create a restaurant logo, for example, consider your overall restaurant theme and concept to narrow down the shapes and font you'll include. Whatever style you decide on, determining...
Registering a trademark takes some time, but it is worth it for the longevity and legal protection of your business. This article tells you what you need to do.
You don’thaveto trademark your logo, but there are a lot of advantages to doing so. The long-term benefits will not only protect you but can also help you establish a wide-reaching brand presence. Here are the main reasons to trademark your logo: ...
A trademark means you own your designs, which is known as intellectual property. If someone were to use your registered trademark, that would be considered trademark infringement, at which point you would have the legal upper hand. To federally register your trademark, you can apply by mail to...
Learning how to design a logo can be more complex than it seems, but with the right design skills, theoretical knowledge and a healthy dose of patience you can learn to create timeless designs that stand the test of time. The best logos are instantly recognisable (think McDonald's golden ...
Need A Professional Online Logo Maker? Thousands of businesses have trusted LogoMyWay. Our logo maker has hundreds of unique logo designs to choose from. Make your own logo in just 5 minutes. Get Started Now Hire A Trademark Attorney Or Don’t ...