There are plenty of ways to reuse your fallen autumn leaves. Recycle dead leaves into fantastic mulch or use them as fertiliser.
Bushes and shrubs serve many functions in a yard, but sometimes their useful life is over. Do you have a dead bush in your yard, need more space, or want to put something fresh in its place? Removing bushes is a simple weekend DIY project. Let’s dig into how to remove shrubs from...
How to prune lilac bushes and when. Pruning Lilacs at the right time. Learn how to prune lilac bushes for shape and to rejuvenate the bush.
Vole damage to tree bark is best prevented byencircling the tree with a light-colored tree guard (mesh or hardware cloth).The guard should be tall enough to reach above the snow line in the winter, and the base should be buried in the soil or have a soil ridge around it. Make sure ...
Trim back bushes and tree limbs to reduce shady spots on the lawn, allowing more sunlight to reach the grass. Most fungi like dark environments and thrive in the shade, so more sunlight may stop them from growing. Clean up organic matter ...
In spring, look carefully at your plants and cut dead canes (stems) as close to the ground as possible. Spring is also the best time to cut back the tops of rose bushes if you want them to have a uniform shape. Avoid pruning roses in the fall. Because pruning spurs more growth, ...
Wasps are attracted to the sweet juices found in different fruits, from apples and peaches to berries. If you're growing fruits and veggies in the backyard, make sure anything that falls from trees or bushes is promptly picked up. How...
What Do Wild Blueberry Bushes Look Like? How to Grow Pomegranates Why Are the Blackberries I Grow Bitter? There are also hybrid blueberry varieties, such as the popular half-high variety that has the hardiness and height of the lowbush blueberry plant with increased fruiting like a highbush...
Start by keeping bushes and trees trimmed; hornets love to build nests in overgrown areas. Avoid planting flowers that attract hornets, like sweet-smelling ones, and instead choose plants that they don’t like, such as marigolds, geraniums, and citronella. Also, make sure to regularly clean ...
and also ensuring that pet food is kept out of the range of the opossum. If you have an orchard or a few fruit trees, do not leave any fallen fruit on the floor as this will be a good source of food for the opossum. It is also wise to remove any low bushes or other cover if...