If you want to grow melons vertically, you’ll need to provide support to the fruits to keep them from snapping off the vine and falling to the ground. Melon Hammock A melon hammock or melon sling is one way to provide support for each melon fruit on the vine and prevent the stem from...
“I’m excited to meet you because I was hoping to make some really interesting connections at this event.” “This event is going great. I came wanting to stir up some business, and I have already passed out a few business cards. May I give you one?” We don’t realize that our ...
I have been on the other side.When I had my second baby I only had one dress to wear and it wasn’t even a maternity dress. I had to wear a dress four or five times a week and it was embarrassing to have to wear the same thing over and over. I had a neighbor who decided to...