GARDENIA: I love you in secret; good luck GINGER: Strength and vigor GLADIOLUS: You pierce my heart; admiration; consolation in sorrow IRIS: Message and promise; faith and hope; wisdom and power; my compliments; good luck IXIA: Bright and cheerful; you have beautiful eyes LILY OF THE VALLE...
Sexual energy is something to revere and consciously cultivate. You can’t just leave it to chance. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is meditate. I want to connect to myself, to every ounce of spiritual energy, heart energy, and erotic energy in me. I do this be...
The gardenia likes high humidity. To increase humidity, place the potted gardenia on a shallow tray with gravel and water. Water will evaporate and increase the relative humidity around the plant. Alternatively, place a humidifier close to the plant or mist the leaves often with water. Types Sm...
You’ll need to use pruners or other cutting tools, such as loppers, to thin a shrub. Look for some of the oldest stems and use your tool to remove them at the base of the bush. Be sure to remove some from the center of the plant to encourage good air circulation and allow more ...
These include popular plants such as Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum),Cape jasmine(Gardenia jasminoides), star jasmine (T. jasminoides), and night-blooming types (Cestrum nocturnum). Cultivation and History Jasmine is native to tropical and warm temperate regions of Africa, Eurasia, and Oc...
Hedges are a popular choice for homeowners due to their beauty, function, and artistic potential. Popular choices for hedging plants include shrubs, such as: Arborvitae Azalea Boxwood Camellia Cypress Forsythia Gardenia Holly Juniper Loropetalum
and it can even pass to younger stems or cutting offspring that is taken from the mature plant. Getting rid of fungal issues such as these require baking soda spray and plenty of aeration. If these issues remain, you may need to clean the pot and the roots to ensure that the disease is...
After the plants have bloomed, spent blossoms can be cut back to the new growing tips. After bloom is also the ideal time to do any other pruning. Damaged or diseased growth should always be removed to prevent the spread of disease. You can also do rejuvenation pruning by cutting older ...
Cuttings: In spring, take 4- to 6-inch softwood cuttings from new growth. Each cutting should have two or three sets of leaves. Fill small pots with moist potting soil or a sterile planting mix and poke a hole in the center of the soil. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the...
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides): Gardenias are famous for their sweet, strong scent and elegant white or cream-colored flowers. They grow best in partial shade and well-draining, acidic soil. Lilac (Syringa): Lilacs are deciduous shrubs with clusters of fragrant, tubular flowers that bloom in sp...