Sandshrew, Cubone Flying –e.g. Pidgeotto, Butterfree Psychic –e.g. Alakazam, Hypno Bug –e.g. Beedrill, Scyther Rock –e.g. Onix, Geodude Ghost –e.g. Gengar, Misdreavus Dark –e.g. Umbreon, Darkrai Dragon –e.g. Dragonite, Dialga Steel –e.g. Steelix, Melmetal Fairy –e.g...
7 KM eggs are not available at Pokéstops. Instead, you get them by opening Gifts send to you by friends. Be sure to open lots of Gifts if you're after Pokémon found in 7 KM eggs, though if you're tired of the same Pokémon over and over, you may want to either hold off on ...
shiny. Rather than taking on a metallic glint, these special Pokemon are color-swapped. For instance, a shiny Cubone is green. Green isn’t exactly shiny, but green Cubone is still shiny Cubone. These creatures are rarer - and so far more coveted. ...