HOW WE LIVE Crime ratesHow safe is neighborhood?JOHN BRANTON
What makes a neighborhood safe? Determining whether a neighborhood is safe may take more than just crime statistics. Neighborhood safety includes the basics too, like pedestrian-friendly infrastructure and access to medical services. While we go over some common metrics for neighborhood safety, remember...
A neighborhood with an active watch program demonstrates a proactive approach to safety and indicates a strong sense of community. Crime statistics are usually lower when residents are not afraid to speak up. Ample Public Services 5. Public services and amenities:Well-maintained parks, recreational f...
If so, the crime scene might be the entire neighborhood. Securing the crime scene -- and any other areas that might later turn out to be part of the crime scene -- is crucial. A CSI really only gets one chance to perform a thorough, untainted search -- furniture will be moved, rain...
Crime statistics are taken quite seriously, giving you aclearer idea of how safe your neighborhood really is. The crime factor, together with those other 7 factors, provide you with that livability score, allowing you to compare it with other neighborhoods. ...
Owning a home in Florida comes with a unique set of challenges homeowners might have to face. Liz Brumer-SmithDec. 20, 2024 Should I Buy a House Now or Wait? If you want to buy a home in 2025, here's how to determine if now is the right time or if waiting ...
window. The crowd would have been larger if many neighbors hadn’t been attending a hearing for a real estate agent charged with “blockbusting.” Unscrupulous brokers used this scare tactic to convince white homeowners to sell, warning of a pending black takeover, crime, and plunging property ...
“The way he was disposed of is a clear crime and everybody knew that when they saw him,” she said. “At the very minimum, I want the people that did that to pay for what they've done and I want them I want to be able to look at them and know that it was my ...
Jokes that either take place in a prison, are about prisoners or jokes about criminals or crime.Sort By New How to Get People Off Drugs Two young guys appear in court after being arrested for doing drugs. The judge says, "You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a...
Discrepancies occur for many reasons, and some can be revealing. When it came to employment, neighborhood reviews discussed the quality of jobs in an area, a problem that isn't captured by broad statistics like the unemployment rate. Likewise, when it came to public transportation, people were...