How to unlock Cement inPalworld Cement takes a while to unlock. Image via Pocket Pair You must belevel 19inPalworldto unlock Cement in yourTechnology Tree, which costsone point to unlock. If you have just started Palworld or are only a few hours in, you may not have progressed this fa...
Honeyis anessential ingredientforcrafting Cake inPalworld,a delicious treat that enables you to breed other Pals. While other ingredients are required to make Cake, Honey is the most challenging one to obtain. Apart from Cakes, you will likely be able to use Honey in various other recipes in...
Weapon Workbench is one of the crucial workbenches in Palworld as it will allow players to craft one of the most essential weapons, Guns. Unlocking the Guns for your character in Palwrold surely takes a lot of time and the initial step to it is getting the Weapon Workbench. Building it i...
Palworld allows you to create worlds with different settings. This guide shows how you can create a new world in the game.
There are only a few ways to get Technology Points inPalworld.The first and fastest way would be throughleveling up. This can be done by catching multiple of the same Pals of the Paldeck or just catching any creatures overall. Doing menial tasks such as resource hunting andgetting wool in...
structures inPalworldthat can help boost your invisible stats without even grinding. If you’ve wandered around the islands for long, you may have even seen a few of these statues glowing in prominent locations; or just scattered throughout the world in nature, beside streams, or next to ...
Cloth is needed for tons of objects in Palworld. from beds to clothing. How do you get Cloth, and how do you farm it?
How To Unlock the Meat Cleaver in Palworld Screenshot by Gamepur To unlock the Meat Cleaver,you’ll need to reach Technology Level 12. Early grinding can be a challenge, so players likely won’t obtain the tool’s recipe in their first few hours of gameplay. Expect to put sometime into...
How To Breed The Best Pals Breeding Better Pals | Step-by-Step If you want to make the perfect Pals, you’ll need to start breeding in Palworld. Breeding can be a complicated process, and we’ve thoroughly covered how to get started with breeding here. Once you’ve setup your first...
How to Sell Pals in Palworld To sell the Pals in Palworld, players will have to make a trade with a Pal Merchant or a Black Marketeer. A Pal merchant can be found walking around in random regions of the world whereas the Black Marketeer has a permanent shop where players can find hi...