When children factor into a divorce, child support often becomes one of the most significant continuing expenses parents face. Court-ordered payments, the intent is to provide for the care and maintenance all kids need. Is child support modification possible? Though you must meet certain requirement...
That's why the best way to come to a fair agreement and ensure your children get the financial support they need is tomediate your NY divorceand work with an experienced mediator like me so you can make decisions as parents that are in your children's best interests." - Divorce Mediator ...
Parents with 18-year-olds still enrolled in school, for example, may have to support their children until the age of 23. Moreover, a parent with a severely disabled child can be ordered by the court to pay child support for the rest of his or her life. ...
What not to say in child custody mediationMediation is usually confidential, so you don't need to worry about saying something that could hurt you in court. (There are exceptions to confidentiality, most commonly in California court-ordered mediation, so confirm with your mediator.)...
Prepare for Court Be prepared to demonstrate that your relationship with the grandchildren is beneficial to their well-being and that continued contact serves their best interests. Courts prioritize the child’s welfare over all else. Limitations of Grandparent Rights Parental Rights Take Precedence Cou...
Employees can choose to have you withhold money from their paychecks to fund retirement plans and insurance premiums. Each of these requires a separate consent form. Sometimes, you must also withhold deductions for court-ordered garnishments, such as child support and alimony. Is payroll outsourcing...
Involuntary wage deductions, known aswage garnishments, require a court order and are most likely to be employed to collect spousal and child support payments that have been ordered by a court. Wage garnishments may also be used to collect unpaid court fines or student loans that have been de...
When one parent has sole physical custody, the non-custodial parent is usually ordered to pay child support. When both parents have physical custody, child support is based on other factors, such as the time spent with each parent and each parent’s income. In some cases, the parent ...
(or months) for your day to come. Many states require individuals petitioning for a court-ordered name change to publish a public notice in the local newspaper so that anyone with an objection to the name change can also appear in court. This can be stressful, especially in high-tension ...
A mother’s custodianship may be questioned if she doesn’t share the same religion as the child or decides to remarry. The court will make the final decision while considering the child’s welfare. A father must share the household with a female who can care for the child if he is gra...