In my main activity.cs (home activity.cs) : I set the fragments to view pagers private void SetUpViewPager(ViewPager viewPager) { TabAdapter adapter = new TabAdapter(SupportFragmentManager); adapter.AddFragment(new FragmentPunchIn(), "Punch In"); adapter.AddFragment(new Fragment1(), "Fragm...
You need to find the fragment by theidof the<FragmentContainerView>or the<FrameLayout>tag you used as the container of your fragment. For example, suppose you placed aFragmentclass namedFirstFragmentin your<FragmentContainerView>as shown below: <
Django’s built-in filters have autoescape=True by default in order to get the proper autoescaping behavior and avoid a cross-site script vulnerability. In older versions of Django, be careful when reusing Django’s built-in filters as autoescape defaults to None. You’ll need to pass autoesc...
tab B will still appear as logged in for the access token's remaining valid time. When application B's token expires and a call is made to the server to get a new token, application B receives a response from the server that the session is expired and prompt for the user to ...
Background and Motivation Due to performance reasons I'm mostly using value types in a big memory blob (native memory). struct Position { public Vector3 value; } struct Rotation { public Vector4 value; } struct Velocity { public Vector3 ...
He was just being nice to everyone to get a promotion. (dynamic: expresses a temporary/intentional state; voluntary)Auxiliary (helping) verbsAuxiliary verbs, or “helping verbs,” are used in English to change another verb’s tense, voice, or mood. When auxiliary verbs are used, there’s ...
However in order to add the fragment to the aforementioned container I cannot get the support fragment manager from the ThemedReactContext obj that I capture in createViewInstance. Doing fooThemedReactContext.getCurrentActivity() yields the deprecated How do I get ...
How can I get the details of the error rather just just display the message from wwwroot\index.cshtml. I know the reason for the error, the address path should be be given as @page "/person/edit/{PersonId:int}" in razor page. So please can you advise me the steps how to get ...
Use the include-fragment policy to insert a policy fragment in a policy definition.Use base element to set policy evaluation orderIf you configure policy definitions at more than one scope, multiple policies could apply to an API request or response. Depending on the order that the policies ...
some common pitfalls when using instant messaging in a business setting include overuse leading to distractions from actual work; misunderstanding due to lack of context - tone cannot be conveyed via text so there could be misunderstandings which could lead to conflicts; poor etiquette such as ...