Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, ...
If you ask any new consultant what their biggest fear is, they’ll probably all say the same thing: I have no idea how to get consulting clients fast. At the beginning of your career, it can feel impossible to get anyone to choose your business over someone else who’s more well estab...
Consultants often struggle to find new, solid clients. We asked Steve Blank, the founder of the Lean Startup movement, how to get consulting clients. Steve's advice is a bit counter-intuitive. But it's something that the best consultants have already bee
What should you charge for your consulting fees? How can you raise your consulting rates — and get clients to accept higher fees? Whether you’re a new consultant or you’ve been in the game for years, pricing your consulting services is one of the most challenging aspects. ...
How to get Consulting Clients by Going out of your Mind ☰ Menu Making the jump from employee to independent professional is TERRIFYING. After the buzz of your world changing approach to accounting wears off the first reaction is usually: “What have I done?!” Relax. . . grab a chair...
Tools and advice to help you find clients for your web development, IT, or computer systems design business.Start a Free Trial of Constant Contact for Technology Services 6 steps for starting an IT consulting business Without wasting any time, here is the step-by-step process to start an IT...
What clients look for in a consultant; Skills needed in a consultant; Expectations on selecting a consultant.BloetscherFrederickEBSCO_AspWater Engineering & Management● Bloetscher, Frederick. "What you should expect from your consulting professionals (and how to evaluate them to get it)". Water...
Clients may need help identifying technical capabilities with restricted effectiveness due to regulatory, security, or organizational challenges--these are not immediately obvious. Consultants can help clients navigate these pitfalls and suggest mitigations to get the end state they wanted differently. ...
You should always remember that your potential clients want to find you. You offer exactly what they need: the best consulting services around. But how do you promote your consulting services so that the right people see your ads, find you in searches, and become familiar with your brand?
“I have a consulting website because—at theprices I charge—I think it’simperative that prospective clients can get inside my head and see how I think before they engage me. The other reason I have a site is because part of my mission is to raise the business decision making levels ...