Experienced moms share 36 tried-and-tested tips for how to get your child to sleep through the night — infants, toddlers, and big kids, too!
Limited impulse control.A toddler may understand rules about not hitting, but struggle to stop themself from hitting orbitingwhen they're feeling frustrated. The ability to control those impulses may not fully develop until they're close to 4 years old, with support from loving parents and ca...
In simple, direct language, tell your child that biting hurts and they're not allowed to do it. Though you may be tempted to stress the seriousness of their actions, punishing your child is unlikely to stop the behavior. Until children are about 3 years old, they don't understand...
Q: How do I get my autistic child to focus in school? A: Focusing on short, engaging activities related to their interests and incorporating sensory breaks to prevent sensory stimulation, like time away from fluorescent lights or the bustling school environment, can significantly help maintain thei...
But accepting an emotion doesn't necessarily mean accepting the harmful behavior it might spur, like yelling or hitting someone. In those cases, McCoy says, you can clearly state boundaries that should not be crossed. "Say your child gets angry and starts to yell," she says. "You can draw...
If there's one thing to do, it's to start saving as early as possible so your money has time to grow.
First of all, make sure you have realistic expectations. It's so easy to think that your child ought to be able to behave a certain way, but you have to deal with the child in front of you. If you always ask them to go upstairs and get ready for bed, and every night, 30 minute...
Nowadays, you realize that parenting is harder than you ever thought it could be and that parenting a stubborn child is about 1,000 times harder! Hopefully, by now you’ve been told that having this type of child is a blessing to your child’s future. ...
The screaming, crying, and hitting that your young child shows is their version of a tantrum. Kids are no different than us—they get frustrated and angry too. The first thing to keep in mind is that your child’s temper tantrums are not directed personally at you. Temper tantrums ...
So, what can you do to save energy and water? –Go on a vampire hunt! Household appliances that are unnecessarily left onstandbyare known as ‘vampire devices‘ as they sneakily suck up lots of electricity! Make sure they’re allturned off at the wall, to stop them wasting power. ...