Similar to Lax, the increase and decrease in defense isn’t a good option for competitive teams. Sassy: A sassy nature increases special defense and decreases speed. This is a good option for some Pokémon, including Bronzong and Celesteela. Careful: A careful nature increases special defense ...
Become a Game Tester is a guide that’ll teach you step by step an exact formula to get to testing the newestCrickex Mobile Appin the market. What this does is not only give you the regular resourses, but also tip you on how to get it easier for you to be accepted as a game te...
In the gameCeleste, another platformer dripping with emotional weight, players may be trying to complete the same sections over and over and over again, trying to get the precision and timing of jumps just right to make it through. It’s a game where dying happens a lot, it happens quickl...
If your players get stuck taking a decision (for example, they’re researching too much or they don’t know what to do), add in a random NPC to put them back on track. Of course, the NPC should be related to the plot, otherwise they’ll get off-track again! Another way to make...
"Celeste" "Hades" Please note that this list is subjective and based on general consensus, and preferences may vary. Additionally, newer games may have been released since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, so it's always a good idea to stay updated with the latest releases and reviews....