Get contact information It’s always a good idea to get contact information in case you’re unable to cash their check later on. Limit checks to local banks Try to only accept checks from banks with local branches, or banks you are familiar with. If you don’t recognize the bank, you ...
Those who already have a BRC card can carry on using it until it expires. However, you can’t use it to prove your right to live orwork in the UK.¹ Leave to remain The previous UK residence permit has been replaced by a document proving that you have ‘leave to remain’. There ...
You don’t need an expert consultant or an advanced degree to promote your small business online. You do, however, need at least these three things: a website, a social media presence, and a clear brand identity. In the world of digital marketing for small businesses, read on for some ...
How to get your proposal approvedProvides tips on how to get approval for a proposal or project. Asking for questions or clarifications to help everyone understand the proposal; Reduction of the number of negative comments.Sup...
Like most new cryptocurrencies, 99Bitcoins has launched a token presale to attract early investors and raise funds for development. You can buy 99BTC from the presale at a discounted price. Here are the basic steps that you should follow to take part in the presale event. Create a BRC-20...
The One Billion Row Challenge (1BRC) is a fun exploration of how far modern Java can be pushed for aggregating one billion rows from a text file. Grab all your (virtual) threads, reach out to SIMD, optimize your GC, or pull any other trick, and create the fastest implementation for so...
RE: Is there a simple way to convert QBO files to IIF format -- which as you state will be allowed for import still after May 2024 on QB Desktop 2021 There's no built in way to convert a file, but a good way to convert QBO files to IIF files ...
Moreover, we can run different reports in QBDT to have a deeper look at your business finances, including employee payroll taxes and contributions. It's always a pleasure having you here, BRC. Please know we're only a couple of clicks away wheneve...
It is projected that by 2027, the global e-commerce market will hit $9.3 trillion. Now, that's something to get excited about as it promises huge opportunities for Nigerian SMEs looking to go global. But of course, diving into international trade expansi
The easiest way to find a certifying body is to refer to the website of your chosen HACCP standard. Here are some quick links to get you started forBRCGS,SQFandFSSC 22000.I suggest shopping around to get the best quality service at an affordable price based on the needs of your business...