Not having a well-branded URL: My URL,, is synonymous with my brand. All people have to remember is my name, and they can easily find me online. Everything on my site, from my picture and bio to my name in the browser bar, confirms my brand. That builds authority th...
The ultimate guide brand naming for creatives who want to learn how to brainstorm names for your clients, or an entrepreneur who's looking to brand a name.
Now that you’re more informed on the subject and know how to get one, you may wonder whether you should buy a premium domain name. If you’re building a brand, it’s worth it. A short domain name and uncomplicated words or phrases mean it’s easy to spell and easy to remember. ...
We’d all like our brand to be a household name and communicate everything we stand for. Learn how to choose the perfect brand name.
Consider a name that’s brandable, not generic In reality, a business domain name isn’t so different from a non-business name. It should be interesting, short, and memorable — if your name just uses keywords rather than showing some personality, you’re not going to stand out from the...
This process might even involve an occasional peek into a Latin dictionary, a deep dive into etymology or a quick round of The Name Game to get those creative juices flowing. Ever heard of Xerox and Kodak? Thought so. Evocative names: an evocative name will tie directly with your brand ...
A brand name is also referred to as a trademark. A trademark is the familiar 'r' character with the circle around it, also known as registered trademark. There is a particular process to follow in legally registering a brand name. According to the Un
How do I choose a domain name for my small business? Many small business owners mistakenly purchase a domain name that fails to capture the essence of their business. As you want to closely associate your domain name with your business and its brand identity, ideally, you can use t...
But as anyone who has been through thebrand namingwringer knows, that’s easier said than done. There are a great many reasons not to choose a name. Everyone turns out to be an expert and a critic, and they are often at odds with each other. Each brand name you propose is met with...
Your business has a name, and it also needs to have its own recognizable logo in order to establish a visual representation of your brand. The logo needs to perfectly reflect your company’s market niche and brand personality. It should also be unique enough to differentiate your company from...