By far, the biggest mistake most bite victims make is delaying treatment! Some people feel embarrassed to seek medical attention or fear the doctor may not recognize the bite. You should never feel embarrassed about seeking medical attention, and don’t be shy about asking questions. Most doctor...
Chiggers are arachnids, closely related to ticks and spiders, and many people believe that chiggers burrow under the exposed skin of their victims. But actually, their saliva produces enzymes that break down the cells of the skin. It's that bite and feeding that causes the itch and the welts...
To keep mosquito populations under control, many communities have programs in place to reduce the presence of stagnant water in ponds and ditches, an environment necessary for mosquitoes to reproduce. Only female mosquitoes bite, and they can find victims a number of ways. They follow visual cues...
Rattlesnake PreventionWhat should I do if I encounter a rattlesnake?Leave it alone. Most bites occur when individuals or dogs provoke the rattlesnake or if you try to capture or kill it. Rattlesnakes only bite or attack in self-defense, so the best way to avoid being bitten is to leave ...
Once bitten, twice shy: How consistent is the management of snake bite victims in Australian emergency departments?doi:10.1016/j.aenj.2011.09.006EnvenomationSnakebiteClinicalprotocolsEvidencebasedpracticeVictoriaKainandAndrewJesbergSDOSAustralasian Emergency Nursing Journal...
to troll is to pull a fishing line behind a moving boat in hopes of coaxing a fish to take the bait. Online trolling is very similar — trolls try to lure unsuspecting victims into responding to pointless or rude questions or statements. The goal for the web troll is to get the victim...
Prevention is key.Make sure your child understands the main points of the program. Help arrange a presentation at your school, church, or youth organization. Footprint your child.A small piece of aluminum foil can be used to create a imprint of your child’s shoe. Place the foil on a to...
However, most studies show compelling reasons to get your dog vaccinated regularly. Pros of Vaccinating Your Dog The biggest argument for vaccinating your dog or puppy is the prevention of life-threatening illnesses. While most pet owners today have never experienced a pet that has contracted parvov...
Physical Snake Removal:The most certain way to get rid of snakes is to physically remove them from the area. This is the technique that I most specialize in. If a snake is on the property, I come and remove it. I might catch it by hand, or I might use a tool such as a snake ...
While their adorable name stems from the way they leave midnight nips and smooches around human mouths and eyes, kissing bugs actually pose the greatest threat to humans through theirfeces. After locking lips with their sleeping victims, theseinch-longinsects take a dainty dump at the...