There are instances when your phone is unable to catch a signal because of poor coverage by your network. Perhaps the cell site is located far from your house or workplace. In this case, you have no choice but to walk, cycle, or drive to the nearest cell site to boost your smartphone...
One of the easiest ways to boost your cell phone signal is to turn on airplane mode for a few seconds. This will have the same effect as turning off your phone completely and restarting it, which is also an option. Once your phone has connected to a nearby network tower, it stops sear...
Most phone cases won’t interfere with your cell phone signal. However, those with metal components might. Removing or replacing the case will expose the antenna and allow your device to capture a stronger signal. Calls will be much clearer, and data speeds faster. 11. Switch to 4G While5G...
Are you tired of dropped calls and poor phone reception? Wondering how to boost phone signals effectively? No worries! This is a comprehensive guide for you.
Being unable to send texts, make calls, or browse the internet is a huge inconvenience these days. You rely on your phone to give you strong, reliable cell signal wherever you are—whether you’re at the office, in your home, or on the road. Curious about what you can do to trouble...
Perform a signal refresh Mateusz / Pexels Typically, your phone requires a simple signal refresh when it’s fighting to establish a stable connection from a nearby cell tower. There’s no need to stress; this process is easy. All you need to do is shut down your phone entirely and then ...
When you’re fed up sticking your hands outside windows and acting like an instant cell tower, read on to know six secrets to getting a better cell phone signal on your smartphone. This way, you won’t have to suffer a spotty service, dropped calls, long-loading apps, and poor voice ...
Signal Strength Bars: Not the Best Way to Test Cellular Signal Strength When you experience dropped calls or sluggish data, what’s the first thing you do? Probably glance at your phone's bars. However, signal bars don't accurately depict how strong the connection really is between your ...
When I checked up the signal strength, it shows ZERO. When I go out from home and stand on the road, I get the signal strength of 90 db. And I am able to send and receive calls. My question is - How to improve my signal strength to use my phone inside the home? Can any ...
Learn how long do smartphones last, key factors affecting lifespan, signs to upgrade, tips to extend longevity, and how to dispose of your old phone.