The first and most important step when crafting high-quality gear is to get your hands on the essential reagent for crafting—Spark of Dreams. EveryWoW Dragonflightseason, there is a new item like this and in Season three, it’s the Spark of Dreams. Each week you’ll get oneSplintered S...
Like runes, Void-touched gear gives abeneficial passive bonus to regular pieces of rare gearthat can make the item even better. Several professions, including tailoring, leatherworking, and blacksmithing, can all create Void-touched gear, but the Void-touched Gloves are exclusive to leatherworking....
When it comes to getting some of the best gear inWorld of Warcraft, many players turn to Mythic+ Dungeons. These dungeon runs are the same as their regular dungeon counterparts but with extra modifiers applied to them and the difficulty scaled up a bit more. However, the loot you get...
Here's how to quickly gear an alt character. Though there's plenty of time left in Dragonflight, some of us have been taking the time to level up our alts. While the mains have probably geared up through the Amirdrassil raid, Mythic+, and other activities, I know I've been in the...
How to gear your alt fast in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Once you've unlocked Zereth Mortis on your main, simply go to Haven, the main hub in the zone. Speak to Hadja, one of the many vendors there (ignore the quest, as it isn't related). Hadja offers "bind on account" gear...
Runes are a new feature in WoW Season of Discovery (SoD) that allow you to customize your class and spec with additional abilities and passives. They are engraved on your gear and can be swapped out of combat.
to tell you the correct gear, talents, and choices to make based on what you have available, rather than the theoretical best stat combination on items you might not yet own. This is particularly important due to Warforging promoting high ilevel pieces of gear that you might not otherwise ...
WoW Classic dungeons become available once you’ve reached the magical teen levels of Blizzard's retro MMO. All offer a change of pace from leveling in World of Warcraft, and the chance of better gear upgrades that will last you quite a few levels, as well as some flavourful items just ...
Open upRaidbots Top Gearand paste in your data from the addon. 5. How To Configure Raidbots Before we do any actual simming, we should make sure that we have set up Raidbots correctly for our uses. If you enter a section such as Top Gear and scroll to the bottom, you will see a ...
At this stage we're still on the pre raid best in slot gear level, so your next step to gear up is normal dungeons. There's a lot of really awesome pieces of gear that you can get from normal dungeons, and sometimes even best in slot pieces period, like it...