How to Make Better Decisions|Good Life Project|英语播客听力|美音泛听材料 1:01:15 【美好生活播客】如何找到和实现人生意义|How to Find Your Calling & Live It|Good Life Project|英语播客听力| 1:03:04 【美好生活播客】如何在今年做大事|How to Do Big Things in 2024|Good Life Project|英语播客...
How to get better at things you care about (1)___I'velearnedisthatthemostcapablepeopleandteamsinanyfielddosomethingwecanalllearn.Theygothroughlifedeliberately(2)___betweentwozones:thelearningzoneandtheperformancezone.Thelearningzoneiswhenourgoalistoimprove.Thenwedoactivities(3)___improvement,(4)...
TED演讲稿 中英对照 如何摆脱“无效努力” How to get better at the things you care about.pdf,TED 如何摆脱“⽆效努⼒” 题⽬:How to get better at the things you care about 作者:Eduardo Briceño Most of us go through life trying to do our best at wh
Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do, whether it's our job, family, school, or anything else. I feel that way. I try my best. But some time ago, I came to a realization that I wasn't getting much better at the things I cared most about, whether...
如何做得更好TED---How-to-Get-Better-at-the-Things-You-Care-About 0:11Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do, whether it's our job, family, school or anything else. I feel that way. I try my best. But some time ago, I came to a realization that...
Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do, whether it’s our job, family, school or anything else. I feel that way. I try my best. But some time ago, I came to a realization that I wasn...
0:11Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do,whether it's our job, family, schoolor anything else.I feel that way. I try my best.But some time ago, I came to a realizationthat I wasn't getting much better at the things I cared most about,whether it...
career, the same is true in your professional life, that there is a kind of meta, there is a sort of, like, what you were saying is that the meta, at least at that point in time of how do you grow a big podcast was, well, you got to be a guest on other people’s podcasts...
Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do, whether it's our job, family, school or anything else. I feel that way. I try my best. But some time ago, I came to a realization that I wasn't getting much better at the things I cared most about, whether...
如何做得更好TED---HowtoGetBetterattheThingsYouCareAbout 系统标签: thingsbettercarezoneperformancelearning 0:11Mostofusgothroughlifetryingtodoourbestatwhateverwedo,whetherit'sourjob,family,schooloranythingelse.Ifeelthatway.Itrymybest.Butsometimeago,IcametoarealizationthatIwasn'tgettingmuchbetteratthethings...