若要轻松复制 订阅ID,请选择订阅名称以显示更多详细信息。 选择“概要”部分中“订阅ID”旁边显示的“复制到剪贴板”图标。 可将此值粘贴到文本文档或其他位置。提示 你也可使用 Get-AzSubscription (Azure PowerShell) 或 az account list (Azure CLI) 以编程方式列出订阅并查看其 ID。查找...
It is possible to get theResource IDwith theazCLI command: Raw $ az aro show -n [cluster_name] -g [rg_name] --query 'id' Additional Information in the cluster for ARO clusters only There is also some information in the cluster to check if it's an ARO cluster or not: Existence of...
To get the VM Insights data you will need to utilize Kusto Queries to fetch the information. See How to query logs from VM insights for information on how to utilize this VM Insights data. You can utilize the CLI command az monitor log-analytics query with this information. Hope this ...
Learn about Azure tenants, users, and subscriptions. Use Azure CLI to manage your subscriptions, create management groups, and lock subscriptions.
To create a cache, sign in to the Azure portal. On the portal menu, select Create a resource. On the Get Started pane, enter Azure Cache for Redis in the search bar. In the search results, find Azure Cache for Redis, and then select Create. On the New Redis Cache pane, on the ...
Finally, create a GitHub workflow file by going to the "Actions" tab. Make sure you use the Azure login action: - uses: azure/login@v1 with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }} The full running example is in thesample GitHub repositorywhich you can use to get started, or use th...
tkg-mgmt-az-md-0-k2qc4-nic:azure.BearerAuthorizer#WithAuthorization: Failed to refresh the Token for request to https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/a1e178af-4a1a-4307-b438-09fb1acb2ddf/resourceGroups/tkg-mgmt-az/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/tkg-mgmt-az-md-0-k2qc4-...
Using the Add an Assembly to the Assembly Cache option, navigate to the Authorization Manager Runtime Installation Directory**\pia** folder and add the Microsoft.Interop.Security.AzRoles.dll assembly to the cache.Note The \pia folder contains two versions of the primary interop assembly. The pri...
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