ufw allow proto tcp to port 8388 comment “Shadowsocks” Install Shadowsocks Client and Connect sudo apt-get install shadowsocks-libev sudo systemctl stop shadowsocks-libev sudo systemctl disable shadowsocks-libev create the client-side configuration filelocal-config.jsonand paste the co...
Feel free to talk to us Talk to our team. It’s a team with one single shared goal, which is our client’s success. Deliver results for your business now. Email:bd@octoplusmedia.com Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) ...
index = client.create_delta_sync_index( ... columns_to_sync=["revisionId","text"]# to sync the `revisionId` and `text` columns in addition to the primary key and embedding column.) The following example creates a Direct Vector Access Index. ...
Shadowsocks is an open source, free encryption protocol client designed to securely transmit information between clients and servers. It uses asynchronous input-output and is event-driven to deliver speed. Shadowsocks isn’t a proxy, but it enables connecting to 3rd party SOCKS5 proxy connec...
Upload the file to AWS EB environment. run following code for testing. fromwebsocketimportcreate_connectiondefclient_handle(): ws = create_connection('ws://EB_URL/echo')whileTrue:ifws.connected: ws.send('hi,i am ws client') result = ws.recv()print(f"client received:{result}") ...
🐛 Describe the bug I tried to implement the causal_lower_right masking in flex attention. This requires the masking function to know the difference in lengths of keys and queries: QL = query.size(2) KL = key.size(2) def causal_mask(b, h,...
We should not be pointing people to a doc page which says to build it 😕 We shouldnt need to compile anything just to get up-to-date libs. Owner aarond10 commented Apr 10, 2024 @kimboslice99, it's not really my place to say. The binary was written around libcurl, libares and ...
“You get paid to take risk now,” he says. Sherman notes that Total Return has also upgraded the portfolio’s credit quality by moving more into government-guaranteed assets, such as agency mortgage-backed securities. For something more diversified, consider BAIRD AGGREGATE BOND (BAGSX, 3.9%...
“While the company'sbusiness remains challenging in the near term given the weak market, its balance sheet remains strong, and the high private equity product mix will help management fee income. Noah'score underlying strengths include trust from its client base in addition to its capable distri...
You have to install libc-ares before enabling this flag: ## Centosyuminstall-y libc-ares-devel## Debian & Ubuntuapt-getinstall-y libc-ares-dev COPY Additional Parameters --enable-mysqlnd Enable support formysqlnd, for example this adds support for$mysql->escape(...). You must also install...