We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to browse, then you agree to our privacy policy and cookie policy. OK WEBINAR Enhance Your Text Input with AI-Driven Suggestions in the Angular Smart TextArea — Thursday, February 13, 10:00 A...
Many 3D printers and CNC machines have their own fixation holes, so it is impossible to make a universal fastener for all machines in advance. We have open 3D models of fasteners in * .skp format, if you decide to make your hardware, however, we recommend attaching the laser to the regu...
switch (config)#interface ethernet 1/1 ip ospf area switch (config)#interface ethernet 1/2 ip ospf area 4. Change the speed of the relevant port (ToR2 port 1/6, to 10G in the example below): The intent is to create ...
The official home of Cook's Country recipes, how-to cooking guides, and cooking videos. Find the best recipes for fried chicken, pies, cakes, slow cookers, quick and easy dinners, and country cooking.
[C#]conversion from time to double [Help] Get the target path of shortcut (.lnk) [IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at position 0.] i find this error.. plz help me.. [IO] How to - Delete a file, keeping data in the stream? [Out Of Memory Error] while handling 4...
Check the sync settings on your apps or email, and ensure they only sync as often as you need them to. Are you in an area of poor reception? How many signal bars do you have? If you use your device for prolonged areas of poor reception, your device will use more power ...
For the ultimate win, the team has to play together in a synchronized manner, according the playbook designed by the coach (CEO). The midfield of marketing has to consist of talented individuals, each with their own area of expertise. They have to (somewhat) respect both the defense and ...
When they made a trip to the Bay Area to find funding, she explained that they intentionally tried to avoid using the word “emotion” as the people they were pitching to were primarily older white men. “The funder community is so not diverse, and we need to do better.” Therefore, ...
The file is now ready for 3D printing. Open it in the Slic3r PE and adjust the size to fit the print area. For an area of 1 km², the approximately square shape of the model is reduced to about 20% of the original size. So we get the model on a scale of cca 1: 5000. We...
With the plants growing in soil all you can do is turn them back to the area you want them to grow in or clip them at the stalk they grew from if your bed is already crowded. We still keep a few beds well away from our large greenhouse. We get some berries from these beds but ...