The Linking Cord is an evolutionary item in Pokémon Legends: Arceus that can be used on several pocket monsters to complete the Hisui Pokédex.
Pokemon Legends: Arceus, like previous iterations of Pokemon games, will include Mystery Gifts. They allow trainers to download prizes via the internet. You can get your hands on exclusive, limited-time items and Event Pokemon using the Mystery Gift feature. Here’s everything you need to know...
Related:Pokémon Legends: Arceus - How To Get (& Use) Springy Mushrooms Once Trainers have procured several Sootfoot Roots, they can use them to craft one bomb and two food items after acquiring the correctrecipes inPokémon Legends: Arceus. The Old Gateau Recipe can be obtained from Taeko w...
You can obtain8 Balm Itemsin Pokemon Legends Arceus. Balm Items such asForest Balm, (A mysterious balm that gives off a soothing scent. It can be used to help calm the frenzy of the Lord of the Woods, Kleavor.). Other items similar to this type likeMarsh Balm, andMountain Balmare ob...
In Pokemon Legends Arceus, you can exchange Merit Points for things like Pokeballs and other in-game items. However, many players are unsure how to get or collect more of them. Because Merit Points are not obtained in the same way as Pokedollars. So today we are going to look at how...
Here’s a list of all of the legendaries in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, and how to catch them. Dialga and Palkia Location: Temple of Sinnoh You get Dialga and Palkia during the climax of the main story. When you’ve taken the quest to find the Red Chain, the sky takes on a strange ...
Three is a magic number - Pokémon Legends: Arceus is the latest adventure in the Pokémon franchise, this time bringing with it a whole new open world, new ...
In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you can tell if a Pokémon is shiny just by seeing it in the overworld. Here's what you can do to increase your shiny chances further.
Pokemon Legends Arceus Giratina(Image credit: iMore) Four colossal Pokémon are associated with the Sinnoh region: Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus. You have to defeat the first two to beat Legends: Arceus, but that leaves Giratina and Arceus still waiting for you. These two require a who...
The Forces of Nature are all present in Pokemon Legends: Arceus but worry not – they can all be captured, provided you’ve got a team that caters to their weaknesses. Starting with Tornadus, you’ll first need to take on the Request “Incarnate Forces of Hisui.” Go to Galaxy Hall in...