2: Use Akavache plugin (which uses SQLite) to store the version info in a key/value format and display it whenever required. 3: Static helper class with static properties holding version info. 4: Store nothing on the client (a bit of an overkill) and get the back end api to return th...
api-version=2016-09-01 -Method GET -Headers $authHeaders $r.Headers["x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads"] For a complete PowerShell example, see Check ARM Limits for a Given Subscription.To see the remaining requests for debugging, provide the -Debug parameter on your...
I am trying to get streaming response for chat completion using AsyncAzureOpenAI with stream=True, but I'm getting a null object output. I am using the following code: import os import openai import asyncio from openai import AzureOpenAI,…
{"type":"Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring","apiVersion":"2020-07-01","name":"[parameters('springName')]","location":"[parameters('location')]","properties": {} }, {"type":"Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/monitoringSettings","apiVersion":"2020-11-01-preview","name":"[format('{0}/{1}'...
auto-installed into Word, and contains the minimal code needed to write a fully functional converter. It implements the InitConverter, IsFormatCorrect, ForeignToRtf, RtfToForeign, and GetIniEntry application program interface (API) functions. The Rtfread directory contains sourc...
How to chunk data using LINQ in C# Dec 12, 20247 mins how-to How to use ref structs in C# 13 Nov 28, 20247 mins how-to How to use DispatchProxy for AOP in .NET Core Nov 14, 20247 mins how-to Why use aspect-oriented programming ...
I began modifying my powershell script that I had written for a newer version of TFS to target the TFS 2020 server. However my script needed to query retention leases and it therefore called this API to get them: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devo...
Instead, you have to download the Windows app from the Microsoft store. Note: This is an early version of the Windows desktop app, and it's currently limited to users on a paid tier. But OpenAI plans to release the app to all users soon. How to use the ChatGPT desktop app While ...
This will return the latest version release. curl -s https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<projectidhere>/releases/ | jq '.[]' | jq -r '.name' | head -1 You could then do something like this to get the release information.
To store an instance of this class into Aerospike requires code similar to:public void save(Person person, IAerospikeClient client) { long dobAsLong = (person.dob == null) ? 0 : person.dob.getTime(); client.put( null, new Key("test", "people", person.ssn, new Bin("ssn", Value...