Since the vast majority of the included studies did not explicitly report and name patients’ perceived needs, we first performed an inductive thematic analysis [47] of the included studies. To do this, we imported the text of the results and discussion sections of the included studies into the...
Results: Women with disabilities living in poverty often opted to forgo seeking free healthcare services because of their roles as the primary household providers and caregivers. Due to limited mobility, they needed someone to accompany them to health facilities, leading to greater transport costs. ...
nigerto heterologously overexpress a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) fromFusariumspp. in several g/L amounts [55]. This proof of principle experiment, which utilized the highly optimised and titratable synthetic Tet-on gene switch [25] to produce the antimicrobial cyclohexadepsipeptide enniatin...
Finally, we trim the top and bottom percentile of hourly wages in each year to mitigate the impact of measurement error on our results and put monetary values in real (January 2019) terms using the Consumer Price Index.8 2.2. Estimating the Gender Wage Gap Econometric techniques such as OLS...
Complex. 2022, 8, 92 5 of 36 In general, the assessment methods adopted do not enable contrasting any unit under assessment (either a country, region, or OP) with its counterparts. They do not allow identifying the changes that must take place to make an inefficient country, region, or ...
Például: "the build log under the storage account '[storage-account-name]' in the container '[container-name]' at the path '[path-to-the-log]'".Az alábbi lista a rendszerképek buildelési hibáinak gyakori forgatókönyveit tartalmazza:...
Later work has shown how deep affection for certain brands like Harley Davidson and Apple results in a cult-like following for objects associated with these brands (Muñiz and Schau 2005; Schouten and McAlexander 1995). Such brands have the capacity to transform the self due to their specific...