there are 3 options of how you can show proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations; anInternational COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate(preferred proof for overseas travel,COVID-19 digital certificate, or yourimmunisation history statement.
I thank a blind referee of Synthese for pointing out the need to clarify this usage of ‘statement’. As the term has gained wider currency and undergone interrogation (e.g. by Lucy McDonald, 2021), I am using ‘uptake’ to indicate the active or participatory sense in which an ...
Statement st=con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); con.setAutoCommit(false); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select IMMUNISATION_NAME from IMMUNISATION_REF_T"); while( { String str=rs.getString("IMMUNISATION_NAME"); %> <option value="<%=str...
We first address the question of endogeneity biases by comparing a simple least squares model to a model with cluster fixed effects to control for community characteristics, and finally to a model that includes a parent’s educational rank within their location-specific cohort as an additional ...
It was Gates who sponsored the meeting that led to the creation of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, a global public-private partnership bringing together state sponsors and big pharmaceutical companies, whosespecific goalsinclude the creation of “healthy markets for vaccines and other immunisation products...
Infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) may lead to acute or chronic hepatitis. HBV infections were previously much more frequent but there are still 240 million chronic HBV carriers today and ca. 620,000 die per year from the late sequelae liver cirrhosi
Infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) may lead to acute or chronic hepatitis. HBV infections were previously much more frequent but there are still 240 million chronic HBV carriers today and ca. 620,000 die per year from the late sequelae liver cirrhosi
I would get an electronic buzz when the guardian angels wished to speak. The spirits 'on the other side' included Danny McGrory, one of my best friends in journalism, who died of a sudden stroke; Kurt Schork, a Reuters correspondent who was killed in Sierra Leone during the civil war;...
Immunocastration is a newer alternative to traditional methods of castration that does not cause pain [12,13]. This method blocks the normal functioning of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis by administering two doses of vaccine against gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Immunisation against...