While right now there is no WhatsApp app on the iPad, it does look like there is one coming soon. As of September 2023, WhatsApp beta testers have been able to try out a WhatsApp for iPad beta. The beta looks like the most promising evidence yet that a version of Whatsapp will com...
How to Get iWork on an iPad. IWork is Apple's version of a productivity suite that was created for the Mac OS X operating system. Numbers, Keynote and Pages are the three applications that make up the suite. The applications enable users to create presen
Once you finish adding your billing address to your new Apple ID, your first app should begin downloading. If not, go back to the App Store and tapGETagain. When an app is downloading, you will see its app icon with a circular progress hand on the iPhone Home Screen. 7. Download othe...
Luckily, the iPhone and iPad make it easy to find and launch the app you're looking for. Here's how to do it. Find Apps Using Spotlight Search Near the middle of the Home screen, use one finger to tap and swipe down. This launches Spotlight Search. An on-screen keyboard and search ...
A step-by-step tutorial on how to trust an app on iPhone, such as enterprise apps that were not downloaded from the App Store.
If an app has disappeared from your Home Screen, you should check your App Library and look for any hidden Home Screens. If those solutions don't work, check the app's installation status through Siri Search or the App Store. Whatever the reason you can
If you can't get the App Store back on your iPhone after trying the above methods, then there may be an unknown problem with your iOS system that causes the App Store program to be hidden. You can use a professional iOS repair tool to repair and update iOS on iPhone with one click ...
Sometimes iPhone and iPad apps don't work the way they should (or the way they were advertised). Here's how to get a refund from the App Store when an app is broken, faulty or unavailable
How To Get a Refund for Apps on the iPhone and iPad While there are many that bemoan the fact that app developers have made the switch to the in-app purchase model, this is actually a good thing. For one, it gives you the ability to test out an app before making a decision as to...
Part 1: How to Get Android Apps on iOS The mission to bring Android apps to iOS is now complete. It was possible for developers to bring out a virtual machine, which is an emulator, which provides the needed support on iOS to run Android apps. It would be fun to bring the various ...