Encouraging a "There Are No Dumb Questions" culture is only part of the solution. What we really need is a "There are No Dumb Answers" policy.The best way to grow a user community is to get even the beginners to start answering questions. The more they become involved, the more likely...
The command installs the latestApacheweb server andPHP 7.4and associated extensions. To verify the version of PHP installed, run the command: $ php --version Check OPcache PHP Version The next step is to enable theOPcachecaching module. Therefore, edit thephp.iniconfiguration file. $ sudo nano...
Before you kill, stop, or terminate a process, think about permissions. If you’re a root user, you can stop any process, but if you are a normal user, you need to add a “sudo” before the command or switch to a root with “su” to use the termination command. The common syntax...
many companies have chosen to offer “bug bounty” programs — rewards for researchers who report zero-day discoveries. To my mind, this is good and as it should be, but
Surely, if you've bought a game, you should be able to play all of it, not get locked out of certain sections after a year because the developer decides that they want more money from you? But there's always the argument of "but they're optional, you don't have to pay for t...
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If you are running your Linux system as root, for example Kali Linux, you’ll get the error below when you try to run VLC. "VLC is not supposed to be run as root. Sorry. If you need to use real-time priorities and/or privileged TCP ports you can use vlc-wrapper (make sure it ...