In this guide we’re going to go over some of the rarest weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 and where to find them. While there are plenty of weapons that you can purchase at the gunsmith that are more than enough to get you the game, these are the rare weapons that you’ll ne...
Looting is one of the easiest and main ways of making money at the start of RDR2. You can loot houses, carriages, horses, people that you kill, etc. You will also find some loot while exploring the wild west. When you loot someone, make sure to pick all the weapons, cash, consumabl...
Everything on the Rare Shotgun weapon in RDR2 & Red Dead Online, including Statistics, Price, How to Get it, Locations where to find it, and Ammo.
Dead Eye is one of the most useful features in Red Dead Redemption 2, allowing players to slow down time while aiming and firing weapons. As you progress deeper in the RDR2 storyline, your Dead Eye level increases, unlocking more capabilities like multip
There’s plenty of boosting to do in Red Dead Redemption 2 and who better to do all those nasty deeds than you? That’s right! There are lots of people out there who need the help of an experienced outlaw so get ready to fill Arthur Morgan’s shoes and rack in the cash!
There is an easier and more reliable way to keep the GPU driver up-to-date! UsePC HelpSoftto automatize the complete process, from scanning to installing the latest driver updates! ⇒Get PC HelpSoft 3. Delete RDR2 settings Some gamers discovered that deleting settings prevents RDR2 error GFX...
Learn what to do when you getActivation Error in Red Dead Redemption 2. Why does my audio keep crackling in RDR2? Your audio keeps crackling in RDR2 due to the in-game microphone being enabled, poor wireless connection with headphones, faulty audio peripherals, corrupted game files, wrong sa...
To unlock the Ledger inRDR2, you need to go to the Contribution/Donation box in your camp (Horseshoe Overlook, The Hearthlands, NH) and Give all the Debts. After, you can find the ledger to the right of the contribution box at Dutch’s tent....
Money is a very important thing in every open world game. There is a multitude ways of getting it. This page shows all legal ways of getting money. Moreover, we show how to make money in RDR2 and what to spend hard-earned cash on.
This is more of a tip on saving money than making it, but the thing you need to remember about Red Dead Redemption 2 is that the weapons are as authentic to the time period as possible. In other words, they’re never going to be as powerful as the firearms you’d find in Grand Th...