In ACT, navigate to the Plugins tab and click on the FFXIV PraeCastrum Timer tab. Timers will appear here when the plugin detects a run has been started. If an incorrect run was detected, click on Abort Run. To force start a specific run, in case the start trigger wasn't detected,...
After speaking with the Produce Producer,Final Fantasy XIVfans will gain access to two new modes in their Islekeep's Index: Sow and Water. As their labels imply, Sow is the act of planting seeds in the soil, and Water enables players to provide moisture for the crops. Bear in mind that...
If you're referencing FFXIV, then you're already doing better than 90% of writers in using magic to shape the world and story. 1) Well-integrated world building is not required to make a good game/story. Excuse plots are made to get you to the gameplay quickly, and excuse sett...
Raphael wants you to kill Yurgir the Orthon for him in Act 2, and in return he’ll provide information about Astarion’s scars. Yurgir isn’t the easiest fight, but you can choose to work with him to break his contract with Raphael instead.However, if you have chosen violence, here...
Much less trying to direct them? Here’s the thing though: You get up, you get dressed (my goal is to do this before 1 pm, today) and you try. You TRY. Maybe today you’re so sleepy/sick/depressed that all you manage is to put up one of those covers you rendered, that are ...
Oooh, I've used a similar build with power Mirage and had a lot of fun with it. Really fun with MH sword. I'm currently running Condi Mirage, but it's a similar idea. I live next to the SeeD FC in FFXIV. I wonder if it's the same people as the guild in that video. Would...
Posner lays out clearly many of the present and future solvency and default risks to the United States federal government. He bases some of the analysis on a valuable recent Morgan Stanley report with the provocative title “Ask Not Whether Governments W