Read on and find out in this article more details and information regarding how to make a Weaponsmith villager in Minecraft
Related:All Villager workstations in Minecraft How to craft a Grindstone in Minecraft While Grindstones will naturally appear in some Villages with a Weaponsmith, you can also create one for yourself. The items needed for this are two Sticks, one Stone Slab, and two of any Planks. When you...
Alternatively, it's also possible to steal a grindstone from a village. You can find villages throughout your Minecraft world and there is a chance that they will have a weaponsmith. The weaponsmith needs a grindstone to work so all you have to do is find his working station and mine the...
Change a villager's profession. Go to a village and check for unemployed villagers. They will look like regular villagers and won't have any trades available. You can place the grindstone in a village with unemployed villagers to change their profession to that of a weaponsmith, enabling them...