If you have student loan debt, refinancing can be a smart move — one that can lower your interest rate and streamline multiple loans into a single debt. Before taking this step, however, it’s important to lay the groundwork to get the most competitive loan possible....
If you currently have a student loan or are thinking about getting student loans, you need to know if you're eligible for student loan forgiveness. We estimate that at least 50% of student loan borrowers qualify to have all or part of your student loan can be canceled in a process called...
How to get last-minute student loans for fall 2023 If you're unable to pay for some or all of your education costs this fall, the strategies below may help you obtain the financial assistance you need. Consider private loans While it's important to exhaust your grants and federal loan opt...
Now that you have a clear, big-picture view of your student loans, it’s time to create a sustainable budget to help you pay them off effectively. A great way to take control of your finances is by implementing a Conscious Spending Plan. This approach allows you to automate your loan pa...
If you do lose your job or encounter some financial hardships, call your loan service provider immediately to see if you can qualify for a deferment of payments (meaning you can postpone your monthly principal payments for a certain period of time without being penalized) or lower your monthly...
2. Determine whether a PLUS loan is a good idea. Can you afford the extra monthly payments? PLUS loans allow parents to start repaying immediately, or defer monthly payments until the student has left school. If you put payments off, remember that the interest builds up, and your total de...
If you have student loan debt, refinancing can be a smart move — one that can lower your interest rate and streamline multiple loans into a single debt. Before taking this step, however, it’s important to lay the groundwork to get the most competitive loan possible. ...
Student loan default occurs if you’ve not made payments on your loans for a significant amount of time and your loan servicer is trying to collect payments.
Private loans are available regardless of need, and you apply for them using the financial institution's dedicated forms rather than the FAFSA. To obtain a private loan, you must have a good credit rating or get someone with one, such as a parent or other relative, to co-sign. Having le...
Will I be able to restart payments on my student loans soon?If you can, deferment may be a good way to get over a temporary financial bump in the road. If you don’t see any way to make payments down the road, then deferment may not be a good option. ...